Wednesday, April 16, 2008

13. Most Accurate Book-To-Movie Adaptation

The thirteenth category in The Gummi Awards is for the film with the Most Accurate Book-To-Movie Adaptation. Many of us have caught ourselves complaining at one time or another that our favorite novel was mangled beyond recognition when Hollywood decided to dumb it down for the big screen (i.e. The Beach by Alex Garland). However, believe it or not, there are some directors/screenwriters who took tender care in preserving as much of the written story as possible. Some even included the author in the filmmaking process. So, nominate the film you think did the best job of conveying what you experienced in written form, on screen.

The Nominees Are:


Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)

The Mist

(This category is now closed to new nominations. Stay tuned to GP to discover the winners!)

**Note: Categories are being listed in reverse order, counting down from 15. To get the full details of The Gummi Awards, read here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

perfume.... i love perfume. the book and the movie. good choice