Wednesday, April 16, 2008

9. Most Offensive Example of Animal Testing/Cruelty

The ninth category in The Gummi Awards is for the scene that provides the Most Offensive Example of Animal Testing/Cruelty in a film. Make no mistake - I do not condone animal abuse in any form, especially for entertainment. So, this category was not created to celebrate or glorify animal suffering in any way. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals often exhibits footage of slaughterhouse cruelty in an effort to raise awareness. Whether or not you are an advocate of animal rights, nominate a film that you thought showed a gross mistreatment of animal life in a realistic way. Your nomination must be a full-length feature and the animal featured may or may not have been actually harmed.

The Nominees Are:

Cannibal Holocaust (1980)- for the turtle soup

Atonement - for the scene on the beach where the British are executing horses Columbian drug-lord style...

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - "Poor little spider is just trying to feel up the cute blonde, and gets crushed in her bra. Sad, really, really, sad."

(This category is now closed to new nominations. Stay tuned to GP to discover the winners!)

**Note: Categories are being listed in reverse order, counting down from 15. To get the full details of The Gummi Awards, read here.

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