Wednesday, April 16, 2008

4. Dumbest Blonde

(another suggestion from Dad)

The fourth category for The Gummi Awards is for the Dumbest Blonde in a film. Everybody loves blonde jokes, right? In this case, the character, rather than the actress/actor should be the nominee. Otherwise, Paris Hilton would win hands down. Your nominee must also appear in the movie for more than 5 minutes, i.e. a lead role or supporting role.

The Nominees Are:

Best In Show - Sherri Ann Ward Cabot played by Jennifer Coolidge

Legally Blonde

(This category is now closed to new nominations. Stay tuned to GP to discover the winners!)

**Note: Categories are being listed in reverse order, counting down from 15. To get the full details of The Gummi Awards, read here.

1 comment:

Neko Noir said...

Kris - your nomination of Legally Blonde is great! I was wondering when someone would finally get around to nominating it. You're right - it is an obvious choice, which is why it's so perfect! Thanks!!