Wednesday, April 16, 2008

7. Most Awkward Moment

The seventh category in The Gummi Awards is for the Most Awkward Moment in a movie. Remember that time when you came running upstairs to tell mom about your high marks in creative writing class and burst in on her performing oral sex on Uncle Fred? That's the kind of awkward I mean. Yes, nominate a scene from a movie that made you squirm a little in your seat.

The Nominees Are:

A History of Violence - "Viggo's character and his wife (in cheerleader outfit) going 69...forever. Perhaps it would have been less awkward in the comfort of my own home; but I was watching at the theatre, sitting next to an elderly couple. Oh my."

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
- "Don't you hate it when you're all drunk and trying to pick up the hot chick, then you wake up with her ugly best friend laying next to you, but you can't remember what happened so you go to the hot chick's house and she slams the door on you thus amputating your finger, then later on a dog eats said amputated finger? Totally awkward."

Slums of Beverly Hills
- "The scene where Vivian's father walks in on her dancing seductively with a vibrator. She is so embarrassed, she can't get it to turn off. Meanwhile, Rita is laughing hysterically. A great movie with Natasha Lyonne, Alan Arkin, Marisa Tomei, and David Krumholtz."

(This category is now closed to new nominations. Stay tuned to GP to discover the winners!)

**Note: Categories are being listed in reverse order, counting down from 15. To get the full details of The Gummi Awards, read here.

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