Wednesday, April 16, 2008

8. Best Scene Involving Food

The eighth category in The Gummi Awards is for the Best Scene Involving Food in a movie. The nominations for this category may include food-fight scenes, "naughty play" scenes and cooking scenes, as examples. The only exceptions are scenes in which human flesh is the main course. While The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover and Eating Raul are two of my favorite films, it would have been all too easy to come up with nominations and all too difficult to choose between them. So, I have decided to rule them out for this category. Instead nominate your favorite scenes, like a great dinner conversation or an arousing chocolate tasting.

The Nominees Are:

Pan's Labyrinth - "The girl must complete a task, and has been warned that she will be tempted to eat, but that she should eat nothing from the table. It turns out that the table is set with a most sumptious feast - and she is starving. She manages to pass up everything, to complete the task, but on the way out her eye is caught by some delicious looking grapes. She takes just one...terror ensues!" (watch a clip)

Hook - "When Peter Pan finally starts to remember being a kid and how to imagine." (watch a clip)

(This category is now closed to new nominations. Stay tuned to GP to discover the winners!)

**Note: Categories are being listed in reverse order, counting down from 15. To get the full details of The Gummi Awards, read here.

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