Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Update: Last Call for Nominations

Well everyone, it seems that the Gummi Awards has gone on long enough. We were holding out, hoping to get a few more nominations in before closing the doors. However, those categories are starting to look a little moldy and stale up there on the left. In order to be fair to those readers who did submit their nominations, we will officially close the contest down at the end of the month, on Halloween (October 31st). Last chance to let us know what you'd like to see win a Gummi Award and last chance to win some prizes for yourself! Categories will close regardless of whether or not there have been nominations. Here's what we still need to see:

Most Nauseating Vomit Scene - c'mon people, you're missing such an obvious one here! So far we've only got one nomination. Are you going to let that person win? Well, are you?! The one we're thinking of is a comedy...

Most Awkward Moment - aren't there any movies out there where mom walks in on her son "choking the chicken" or someone catches their junk in a zipper?? I know I've seen one or two of those....

Most Inappropriate Musical Sequence - there are more nominations in the Crazy Cool Carpet Design category than there are for this one. Seriously.

Tell your friends, pester your spouses and if you just can't think of anything go online! The clock is ticking (tick, tick, tick)...

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